Saturday, August 27, 2016

Regarding the Future of the B-Movie Roll-Out

Today I completed the script for what will be Episode 40 of the B-Movie Roll-Out, and that really got me thinking about how far I've come. When I started this show (in 2009!), it was really an attempt at teaching myself how to edit. Season 1 of the show is one long series of trial-and-error on basic, amateur film editing (which is why I find it mostly unwatchable now). Season 2 was mostly about improving my writing, as well as editing. Season 3 of the show (which has been spread across nearly three years now) is the culmination of everything I've learned so far. My opus, if you will, would probably be the Season 3 episodes of the B-Movie Roll-Out.

So I have only three more episodes slated for Season 3. A two-parter about at 1930's adventure serial, and the season finale-- which is a Charles Bronson movie set in Milwaukee. I plan to be complete all three episodes BEFORE Halloween. Ideally, by the end of September. So I figure this will be a good time to discuss the future of the B-Movie Roll-Out, as well as my other YouTube shows.

Season 3 is the final season of the B-Movie Roll-Out. Full stop. I have always liked the idea of linking my episodes together in my trilogy of "seasons" because they represent completely different eras of both the show (and my life!) to me. And at this point, I feel the show is now as good as it is ever going to get. I've spoke about the films/genres that interest me the most, and I've nearly drained the well of movies that I have personal connection to (that aren't already over-reviewed on YouTube). YouTube is so overcrowded with "reviewers" that it is no wonder my show has never broken through. Which I do not mind at all, by the way! Looking back, I'm glad the show was never on Channel Awesome or anything because I've been able to retain a level anonymity and privacy. I like the fans that I have, and it is more rewarding to received comments from names I recognize as repeat viewers! So I must say to you the fans & viewers -- thank you for all the support!

Truth be told I want to close the series before it becomes a chore. Or before I find myself just going through the motions. And I've come close to feeling that way more than once. When I originally scheduled a review of "Under Siege", that really was just supposed to be "filler episode". So I'm glad I cancelled it. I don't want my show to have any episodes that I plan out as "filler". I don't ever want to look at my last episode and think "That's good, but not quite as good when I..." I'm getting too close to burnout on movie reviews for my comfort, so this is the right time to stop.

Now, this doesn't mean I'm done with all my shows, or even movie reviews, altogether. All I am announcing is that there will be no more "seasons" of movie reviews. IF inspiration hits, I may do a "one-off" movie review every now and again. Like around holidays or something. Nothing scheduled, but we'll see. PLEASE do not post messages like "go back to movie reviews" or "when are you going to review [insert Chuck Norris/Charles Bronson movie here]". All content creators hate those, and I am no exception. I will always welcome SUGGESTIONS, but the time for review requests has now passed.

Furthermore, I have no plans to cancel "Play That Rock'n'Roll", which (obviously) has become my new passion project. I feel classic rock is a subject not spoken enough about in the YouTube reviewer community, so this might just be my niche. With the three-pronged outline of album reviews, artist retrospectives, and Top Ten Lists, I feel I finally have found the correct direction for that show, which will be my main production for the next couple of years.

Also, I have ideas for a handful of more board game reviews. Those were seriously fun to do, and now I'm able to afford an occasional eBay purchase of those retro games. Sometime in 2017 you will see a few more of those reviews.

Finally, with all that said, my YouTube presence will be finite-- and I am coming closer to the end. The show turns ten years old(!) in 2019, and I turn 30 the year before. Most of those Channel Awesome types are now in their mid-30's, but I don't have any interest in pushing my YouTube show deep into its second decade. I plan conclude all online reviews before we close out this current decade in 2020. Obviously I can't say any future is set in stone, but I don't think much of anything will change this decision.

In the next year or so, I'll probably post some retrospective stuff for the Roll-Out. Maybe a commentary, maybe a Vlog or something. I'm open to suggestions on which videos or what aspects of the show you guys would be interested in hearing about (or if you have any interest in it at all), so feel free to post comments about that! Otherwise it will be (mostly) strictly Play That Rock'n'Roll or board game reviews starting this winter.

I am sorry if any of this is bad news for you guys, but I've thought long and hard about it, and this is truly what I want to do. But more importantly, I want to thank each and every one of you who tuned in and gave my videos a chance. Your comments and support have been of great inspiration to me, and I've enjoyed commenting back to you! I hope you will stay with me as the show moves on from the Roll-Out. I know my show is not particularly popular or successful, so knowing that you guys chose to watch my videos means a great deal to me. Thank you. Please post and thoughts or reactions to what I've said here tonight on the facebook page or the Twitter account! I'd be happy to elaborate on any of these points!

tl;dr B-Movie Roll-Out is done after S3E16. Only Play That Rock'n'Roll & board game reviews for the next couple of years. And I'm done for good with all reviews before 2020.

Episode 39: "Code Name: Wild Geese" (1984)

Episode 13 of Season 3 of the B-Movie Roll-Out is a review of a little-known "Euro War" movie called "Code Name: Wild Geese", starring Lewis Collins, Lee Van Cleef, and Ernest Borgnine. In this video we not only review this movie, but we explore what exactly made the so-called "macaroni war" movies so much fun to watch. This is meant to be humorous, but legitimate criticism.

Play That Rock'n'Roll: The Top Ten Songs by Steve Winwood

Episode 20 of "Play That Rock'n'Roll" is the seventh of a series of "Top Ten" lists we will be doing for the biggest names in classic rock. This video is meant to pay tribute to Steve Winwood by counting down my Top Ten Favorite songs from his discography! Do you agree with this list? Post your favorites in the comment section!

Play That Rock'n'Roll: The Top Ten Songs by David Bowie

Episode 19 of "Play That Rock'n'Roll" is the sixth of a series of "Top Ten" lists we will be doing for the biggest names in classic rock. This video is meant to pay tribute to the late David Bowie by counting down my Top Ten Favorite songs from his discography! Do you agree with this list? Post your favorites in the comment section!

David Bowie, RIP (1947-2016)

Play That Rock'n'Roll: The Top Ten Songs By David Bowie from B-Movie Roll-Out on Vimeo.

Episode 38: In Defense of Timothy Dalton as James Bond 007

Episode 12 of Season 3 of the B-Movie Roll-Out is celebrating the character of James Bond, Agent 007, as played by Timothy Dalton. This video attempts to explain why Dalton fans feel he was the best at performing the iconic role of Bond. This is meant to be humorous, but legitimate criticism.